Human capital management, selection, recruitment, and training.

Head Hunting and Human Capital

We have specialized professionals in administration, attraction, and training of human capital with more than 10 years of experience. From talent attraction to payroll processing under your employer registration, ready to manage your permanent or temporary talent.

Our headhunting services include:

  • Needs analysis and profile definition
  • Review of applications and preselection
  • Recruitment
  • Interview and evaluation
  • Selection and hiring
  • Incorporation and training


Every training, when delivered, pursues a specific goal. In this way, when an employee starts in a company, specific training is created to allow their adaptation, integration, and future development.

We divide our training
services as follows:

  • Initiation training: Focused on introducing the work environment, functions, and dynamics of the company to the newly incorporated employee.
  • Beginner training:Focused on personnel who have recently started to perform their functions within the company.
  • Promotion training:Focused on training the personnel who will be promoted to a new position.
  • Sales training: Focused on employees operating in the commercial department.
  • Leadership training: For personnel in charge of leading teams, who must promote their leadership and ability to motivate people.
  • Manager training: Focused on the training of those responsible for a business unit.